People who don't go to A.A. meetings don't hear what happens to people who don't go to A.A. meetings.
This is one of those expressions that you have to think about the first time you hear it. Once you "get it" its so obvious. A.A. or N/A. meetings are the medicine we take to stay well. We hear with great frequency the results from our colleagues who start drinking again or "pick up" again. Often we ask those individuals who "went out," i.e., left meetings, whether it got any better. I've never met anyone who said it got better. In fact, regular A.A. attendance has convinced me that I have a treatable illness and if I go to A.A., my treatment, and listen to the stories of returnees I am more and more convinced of this simple fact. Alcoholism is an illness and attendance at A.A. meetings is an effective treatment for this illness.